Save your company from
boring presentations

Ready for captivating your audience in ways you never thought possible? Achieve dream presentation skills through our dynamic and in-depth training programs.

What do we do?

It is our strong belief that soft-skills can only be developed through practice.

We lay a strong emphasis on interactivity and innovative, dynamic out-of-the-comfort-zone experiences in our trainings and coachings, which are always tailored to our partners’ problems and needs. Our community’s trainers at nowUpresent Partnership help market players in their journey to becoming unforgettable speakers. 
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Why choose us?

We are empowering individuals to conquer presentation fears.

At nowUpresent, we are dedicated to helping individuals conquer their fear of giving presentations through our training and personal coaching. We aim to show you that presentations are not inherently dull and daunting but rather a valuable adventure, shared by both the speaker and the audience. 

Our customers experiences

Make your own story with us!

Győző Biczó
I liked that it was so interactive, and I really had to step outside of my comfort zone. I learnt a lot, realised what I had been doing wrong, and found ways to correct or do them better.
Ráhel Vinkó
Through the training, I realised that a presentation is not just the writing process or the slide show, but the actual message of the topic and the connections built with the audience!
Jennifer Ciocodeica
It was really great to see how much we improved in just a few hours. I now know that I still have room to grow in presenting and it really is worth it to put effort into the way I present.

Contact us

If you or your company are eager to improve your presentation skills, contact us here! After discussing your plans and needs with you, we will develop a tailored development plan proposal for you. This personal plan is free-of-charge, and you can always decide if you would like to start working on your presentation skills right away or postpone this to a later date.

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